Grigorovich said that Nanite and Lumen from UE5 were “necessary bricks” for the correct completion of s.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

Stalker 2 was present at the Gamescom 2023, despite the absence of the Opening Night Live on the first show, which was conducted by Jeff Kili. In the exhibition hall it was possible to play into a demo version, which allowed GSC Game World to collect reviews directly from fans, and the developers also shared a new trailer, which confirms another delay in the first quarter of 2024.

Evgeny Grigorovich, Game Director of Stalker 2 and General Director GSC Game World, yesterday also attended the direct broadcast of the IGN Germany. The leading developer answered various questions, including the impact of the decision on the transition to Unreal Engine 5 to the game.

This may sound like an advertisement, but in fact we believe that Unreal Engine 5 is the best solution for us, because the functions that it brings, Nanite and Lumen systems, is what we missed in Stalker 2. They were necessary bricks to correctly complete the game.

Earlier we got to the point that we had to greatly reduce the quality of models and textures. After the release of Unreal Engine 5, we started working with the Epic team to introduce this technology into our game, and it became clear that it would allow us to do what we want. At first it was not very clear how well it would work, but now that the production is ready, everything is very good. I think this was the right decision to switch to Unreal Engine 5.

It was also a new engine for us, since we did not make a single game on Unreal Engine. We started with scratch with Stalker 2. It is very different from how the developers usually work, when they make sequels, where they take the base and engine from previous games and make upgrades, adjustments or add new functions. To do something from scratch on the new technology that did not exist before, on the new consoles that were only produced, it was very interesting and at the same time difficult.

We find out which API is better to use in Baldur’s Gate 3: Vulkan or DX11

Even before you create your own character and rush to the adventure, Baldur’s Gate 3 puts players at a crossroads already in the launcher of the game: what to use between Vulkan API or DX11? Let’s try to clarify.

Both are graphic APIs, which, in very simple words, control the connection between the game and the hardware of the PC and, therefore, affect the performance. DX11 is produced by Microsoft, and Vulkan – Khronos Group, a consortium of companies, which also includes NVIDIA, AMD, Apple, ARM, EPIC, Intel, Valve and others. Theoretically, the DX11 is an outdated version that is eliminated by the API DX12, but many games still use it, including Baldur’s Gate 3.

According to the Official FAQ for early access Baldur’s Gate 3, the recommended choice is the API Vulkan – this is the choice proposed by Larian Studios, which, incidentally, is also a standard option in the game launcher.

The reason is that “Vulkan in most cases has a potential increase in performance compared to DX11, even if it is currently less stable “. This information relates to early access of Baldur’s Gate 3 and therefore may not fully comply with version 1.0, although the studio at that time promised to “actively work on improving performance and stability with Vulkan API“.

Keep in mind that Baldur’s Gate 3 came out of early access only yesterday, so to obtain an exact picture of the situation, a deep analysis on this topic will be required. However, given the information provided by Larian Studios, in general, the API Vulkan is the recommended and preferred choice. If you have any problems, you can always switch to DX11 and see if the situation will improve.

PC Gamer, on the other hand, conducted preliminary tests using graphic processors of different manufacturers with results that differ from the NVIDIA video cards given above, which was noted by increased performance by 6-13% from DX11 compared to Vulkan, deducting less stable performance. Conversely, the Vulkan API is recommended for AMD and Intel graphic processors.

Sven Vinka: Separate screen – “is mandatory” for Baldur’s Gate 3 on Xbox Series S

Currently, the Xbox versions of Baldur’s Gate 3 are hanging a question mark. They will be released, but their output is delayed due to Xbox Series S, which can hardly cope with joint work in a separate screen at an acceptable level of performance.

An additional difficulty is that Microsoft wants to achieve functionality parity in versions of games for Series X and S – so that there is an assumption that the Larian cannot release one Xbox version of the Baldur’s Gate 3 with a cooperative mode with a separate screen, and the other without it.

The last time we heard from Larian that she was working on this issue and weighing some "compromises" – It was assumed that a joint game with a separate screen on the Xbox Series S could be canceled. Therefore, journalists when talking with Larian head, Swen VinCke, asked him about this.

"It is not simple", – answered Vinka after a small pause.

The team worked a lot to work, but she was still engaged in this. And the problem with optimization is that you are finishing one thing, and then a new one appears. So here we are dealing with a situation where we just work. The team will cope because they managed to force Divinity: Original Sin 2 to work on Switch – but it took time.

Does this mean that Vinka is sure that this will happen?

I’m sure the team. If possible, they will do it. But this is a very big game. The other day, someone told me something, and I thought it was a very good way to say about it. They talked about Call of Duty and said that every time a player enters the game, a small zone forms around him, and the more such zones, the slower it becomes more slowly. In games such as BG3, everything is fine if one character walks around the city, but if the party is divided and four characters go in four different directions around the city, and they begin to do the same as me – fire balls, [and t.D.] – these are a lot of simulations that should occur on one screen. And it loads. This requires memory.

And here is an elephant in the room: if Larian cannot provide a standard joint mode of a joint game with a separate screen on Xbox Series S, whether it can, if it wants, is remembering the desire of Microsoft to parity of functions – remove it?

"If we talk about the ratio of capabilities, then the separate screen is a prerequisite for us, ”he said,“ and we do not want to release the game without a separate screen, so we would not do this".

The network included information about the possible new Avaloren addition to World of Warcraft on the eve of the official announcement

Perhaps there was a leak of information about the expansion of World of Warcraft Avaloren on the eve of the official announcement of Blizzcon, which will take place next week.

Differers in World of Warcraft are not so new – last year there were details on the Dragonflight expansion, as well as Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Now, perhaps, the World of Warcraft community has appeared another leak of expansion – Avaloren. Yesterday, one of Reddit users published images of the alleged zones in World of Warcraft. This is a message called "Is this 11.0" The Wowhead portal was picked up, and, apparently, it became known more details about the next expansion of World of Warcraft, about which rumors go.

In addition to four images of new zones, we received the alleged screenshot of the laptop, which is mentioned "Awalized" As a new continent in World of Warcraft, as well as a picture of the phone that shows Haz Algar, accompanied by the inscription "Mobile Ready". Below we have brought a text that can be read on both images:

The distant lands of Avaloren lie behind the western horizon of the raging seas Azerot. Isolated for millennia, those who call these enchanted kingdoms their home rely on the living world under them, connected by sacred vows and shared by old hatred.

AGG Orrand

Having entrusted the protection of this harsh desert plateau, the furious Agg’ora with brutal efficiency control their clay possessions. With the advent of new threats, the unity of these once unshakable Goliaths split, which led to a conflict overshadowing the region.

Khaz Algar

Located in secluded mountain rocks, this roaring canyon searches the destructive power of the elements, suppressed by the structures of an ancient object. Known for their hardened nature and skill of owning the sky, the horsemen of Bury Khaz Algar created a unique heritage at the tops of their fortresses.

The cross-platform of the Rolewood Later-Shuther The Deslation will be released on a PC and mobile platforms in 2024

The developer and publisher of the Stratsphere Games games today announced the upcoming launch in the early access of his cooperative role-playing Luther-Shuther The Deslation. The action takes place in an alternative future, in which humanity has turned into a militarized and fragmented race among stars. There was a new threat in the form of an alien parasite, known only as a “shadow”. The Deslation, combining the mechanics of role-playing game, gameplay in the luter-shuther genre, elements of cooperation and isometric point of view, was created to provide the mercenaries with the magnificent experience of a cross-game that destroys the “shadow” both on a PC and on mobile devices.

Since the main antagonists of the game are synthetic alien parasites that require that the remnants of mankind are united to defeat them, team roles are vital in The Deslation. A lot of roles are available that can be improved using a constantly expanding arsenal of futuristic weapons and combat abilities. From a mighty tank to adaptable support – classes and weapons that players choose can be configured in accordance with their game style and team needs. Equipped and ready for war, players will find themselves in the thick of events in many carefully worked out locations. They vary from the acquaintance, but the futuristic look at how the earth will look in 2140, to the vast sands of Mars. Each of the procedurally created world of The Deslation offers a wide range of opportunities for placing, destroying and evacuating alien invaders.

The Deslation was created from scratch to provide players on PC and mobile devices with exciting experience without prejudice to quality and capabilities. Mercenaries can steadyly fight for humanity, regardless of what platform they will choose the game.

The Deslation will be released in the early half -year of 2024, and the full release is planned at the end of the year on a PC and mobile platforms.

In the Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty will appear a key detail from the Edgerunns anime – cyberpsichosis from implants

CD Projekt Red will add a key detail to the Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, which was the basis of the Edgerunners Anime plot.

The upgrade of Vi’s capabilities will force the players to take into account the risk of cyberpsichosis when installing new cyberim.

In Cyberpunk: Edgeunners, cyberpsichosis was shown as a key plot moment. Cyberpsychosis amazes people who install too many chrome on their weak human bodies, which can turn them into thoughtless murder machines.

Signs of this, perhaps, can be seen at the very beginning of the Phantom Liberty trailer, released during the Xbox Games Showcase, where the main character Vi seems to lose control of her actions.

However, it is still unclear how this function will work in Cyberpunk 2077, although the mod, released last year, added the possibility of turning into cyberpsi. It is unlikely that an accurate copy of this mod will be used, although CD Projekt Red is not against the use of community mods in its releases, as it was already in The Witcher 3.

Now I somehow do not want to go to the preservation, where I have all VI in legendary implants.

EDGERUNNERS A great example of how an individual story can organically fit into the canon of the series without destroying anything and without making nonsense. Loren Hissrich with her shit is just a squalor against this background

as a separate story can organically fit into the canon of the series, without destroying anything and making nonsense

The story itself is meaningless, the Arch of GG is even more bad than in the game, the hero, despite a lot of events until the end of the series, remains a naive infantile schoolboy. Cyberpsychosis is generally shown by the plot absurdity, it is necessary – "Included", necessary – "Turned off", Contrary to their own submission, GG except blood snot and once with murder "scientist" In Arasak, he did not show him, and when he showed – "Lyuboff" All "canceled". The plot is a typical teenage series where the world is spinning around the hero and its laws "Adjusted" Under the convenience of gg. The difference with Hissrich is only in the absence of a drink and stability of what is happening.

reminded the mechanics of humanity in Bloodines, like if you have lost all humanity you lose control of the Persian and it begins to kill everyone in a row

There is an interesting thing on Stream now)

This is not the very juice)))

This is bald with bruszers?

"Signs of this, perhaps, can be seen at the very beginning of the Phantom Liberty trailer, released during the Xbox Games Showcase, where the main character Vi seems to lose control of her actions"

What other actions? Just a small hand tremor. At Vi he was even before the events of Phantom Liberty as a side effect from the biochip in his/her head.

Where her fingers are breaking in the opposite direction and Sylved also sends to the ground, look carefully so that stupid questions do not ask.

Firstly: this is not the very beginning of the trailer as the author of this post claims.

Secondly: fingers are broken down and damage to the construct are not symptoms Cyberpsychosis.

And in Lore They are cyberpank not spelled out as such what’s in the hunker, what is in the game, what is in anime.

By the way, in my opinion, they did what after cyberpsichosis you can fly to the moon to Lucy

I hope the cybershiz will be like an interesting feature, and not an annoying bug.
And then the restrictions on pumping and so hinted that this is just the limit behind which the hero will not take out the upgrade.

He already has a bad. In fact, there is no restriction of pumping in KP2077 as such, it is simply not enough levels to pump everything.

The only thing I hope is that this will not be done as in fashion, where it is just an indicator of the number of implants. There will be a certain influence of different implants in different ways. Or the limit of simultaneous use, such as the distribution of energy for implants in DX: Mankind Divated. Because to develop the theme of cyberpsychosis for VI, who already has an implant "eats" personality, for me is not worth it, it is easy to lose the remains of the plot logic. In extreme cases, I hope there will be an option to shut off cybersh.

It sounds like a restriction of pumping, not?)))

Because it is not a direct restriction. There are no hints of some limit of the capabilities of the GG, I don’t know how you could see him. This is just a restriction on experience – and then, if you stubbornly tumble and simply for the very extremely long time to kill the respondent bandits, probably, you can somehow somehow this "limit" increase. And again – this does not affect the GG, in which even the impact of the chip is strictly attached to the stages of plot tasks, which can even be scored by already after waking up in the apartment after the Konka – and live "Without bugs" (Unless after some time, GG will begin to cough on the hand when taking the shower, but this is the only effect)

It seems to be like a witcher 3, they will add what has already been done by models. There is already such a mod on Nexus

creatures, what to say

They became creatures when their games outside politics began to block in UK. They themselves do not want our money – welcome to a pirate ship

I am also surprised that my commune. The Poles completely lost their trust from the players, but there are also those who eat gyvno from the shovel. They literally stick user mods, as it was with a witcher, and they are happy

Actually, the mod is redeemed, or they are invited to work to the studio department. So just the best merger with the game will make, not external crutches. Well, maybe they will beat his differentness in a different way, but he gave a good idea, why throw good?

I agree, I plused your comment. Witcher 3 shut up, one pleases that for free and you can not pat the game.

And now I want a new anime in the game, I hope it will be in a year – two.

If I have only the best optics of Kiroshi from the implants, a high deduction jump and the legendary monostroon, which I periodically change the legendary blades of the Mother ofomons back and forth, I do not need anything more, will be subject to psychosis?

Do after 3 years what they promised to add on the release. : D

Probably how vampire madness will be from a masquerade.

It would be nice and some consumable for suppressing cyberpsychosis added to be an alternative to kill civilians. Or they will do it like a script in the plot, which is not very good

This is a key detail from the table. These headings are these.

Gentlemen, this is a complete lie. In this craft of cyberpsychosis "appeared and passed" at the behest of scenario twists. And he treated him "Lyuboff", And a man of the whole series from the very beginning was "In a step" from cyberpsichosis, but it practically did not manifest itself. Even the psychosis of Maine was stupid and entered only to "hand over" management of gg gg, why was felt alien and stupid.

The viewer of the munliter is the moment.

If Munlighter (munlighter?) – this is some kind of series/film, with a logical and reasonable plot – it is quite possible.

Cyberpsychosis, although mentioned "The whole series", But it did not work logically. The fixer warned about cyberpsichosis (KP) during the installation of David Sandy, moreover, with his first widespread use, David woke up with Lyuska in the ambulance. And that’s all, KP is paused, even when David began to resemble a rocking frame with a bunch of implants – where he, this kP? The only case with a torn roof and the murder of a girl in Arasak? Or as much as the final cybersecklet – and even he did not immediately led David to the KP – an irreversible state, which at the same time was cured by a kiss of Lyuska (hello to adolescent series, meaningless and primitive). At the same time, the same psychosis of Maine did without disclosure – Maine did not establish new implants, was not subjected to some stress, KP appeared "Because it is necessary" And it developed rapidly. And this is not to mention the fact that David is the whole series with nothing but a puppy teenage delight from Lyuska and faith in their own uniqueness (which is inherent in many teenagers, but this is nowhere to make them "Special"), did not differ at all – he solved all orders and problems with the help of the same implant – and his "management" The gang is not justified (except scenario), he is an ordinary fighter – a beginner.

Can clearly explain where the theme of the KP is disclosed? Even a game that for me has a number of plot holes and logic disorders on the example of the capture of cyberpsyschs is given by cyberpsychosis as a combination of implants and stressful situations. Either like squeezing implants (worker in Arao or Valentino, stuffed with iron with mallstrem "jokes for the sake"), either as a shock for the already implanted (a military man on the beach, whose daughter was killed by claws or non -equinins in love with the aforementioned Valentino and torn in an attempt to find him after Malsterem abduction). That is, everything is logical – stress, "broken by tension" The psyche. Yes, this logic does not work either on VI or on the same Malstrem, stuffed with implants, for the entire game only two cyberpsi from Malstrem – one was brought directed to the animal state, and the second is generally in the ritual "formatted the brain" And this is clearly illogical. But in the series, the KP generally picked up out of the blue and the declared connection with implants (even in David) is not disclosed, KP turns on, off, off. Or otherwise?

DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 is “what the game should be,” says CD Projekt Red

In a documentary, developers are thinking about what the game was at the time of its release and what has changed with the advent of Phantom Liberty.

The documentary released by ARD Media provided more information about the development of Cyberpunk 2077. For almost 70 minutes, CD Projekt Red reflects on the release of the game on PS4 and clarifies controversial moments.

Thanks to the appearance of Phantom Liberty, the action-role-playing game has gained a new life and has already become one of the 2023 rating games on Metacritic. But, despite such success and revival of the basic game with update 2.0, Is this expansion could cross out the consequences of a failure in 2020?

According to representatives of the studio, this DLC is all, "What should be the game". If Cyberpunk 2077 went on sale with "technical" the quality of the expansion, it would not have to be removed from the PS Store, it would not have to be returned to players or sharply criticize.

When you are too high, the fall is very painful. As for me, Phantom Liberty is the last word that we can say, and we can show in principle what we want to see it – what we really wanted the players to feel that we wanted to offer them what our game should be.

Pavel Sasco, director of the quests Cyberpunk 2077, says that the role -playing game was created in a hurry. In an interview, he mentioned that the development was conducted in "Very short time", And he said that people did not have "complex" Representations of production.

Apparently, the developers did not manage to polish "Game mechanics" and for a long time could not come to a single vision. According to representatives of the Polish studio, the concept of the game, which included the plot and principle of operation of the systems, was found late.

All our games are extremely complex, very large. They are very long when it comes to passing the entire campaign, the constellation of the missions. It seemed to me that the construction of the world is the most important thing. I focused on this and lost sight of how great and important technical perfection is".

Miles toast, a level designer from CD Projekt Red, said he almost left the company due to Cyberpunk 2077. With such a large -scale project and the need to constantly make improvements and changes, the developers had the feeling that they "Dumped through the ground".

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you that in the nearest Tuesday, September 26, the Phantom Liberty release will be released, the first and last expansion for Cyberpunk 2077, which will be available only for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

Analysts are perplexed from the Starfield advertising campaign, which has not yet begun

Bethesda SoftWorks Starfield Scientific and Fantastic Role for a huge number of gamers is the most anticipated and, without a doubt, the best game of this year. Already now, users plan to create large -scale mods for the game, share their plans for the passage and other creativity. Meanwhile, the developers and the publisher of the project represented by Xbox Game Studios are practically in no activity for promoting their main hit. This situation seriously bothers the game industry analysts.

Several industry figures called "Very strange" Xbox advertising campaign to promote Starfield. "Strange" She has become for analysts, because advertising of a project of such a scale has not yet begun, although a month has remained before the release of the game. At the same time, experts cannot find objective reasons for such a solution. According to their own information, even a failed shooter Redfall received more advertising and actively advanced at all sites. Meanwhile, Starfield has only a few long rollers with a review of the gameplay and inexpressive promotions with various drink brands.

It recently became known that Bethesda and Xbox in partnership with YFOOD launch a limited series of drinks in Starfield style. And this is the only large advertising action for the game. According to analysts, this approach can negatively affect the sales of the game. The attention of users at the time of the release of the game can be won by other releases. For example, Sony is much more actively promoting Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, hanging huge posters and gluing whole trains.

Why spend on advertising if fans for free are perfectly advertising the game.

True, Todd 100% confident in fans and game

Yes, and it is better to give less promises and do less "Super advertising", that then the fans do not throw anything

Yes, they already promised a lot of things, and then you understand, there will be 30 fps, and that spirit . After T -shirts, they sent a letter of happiness by the investor, they say, do not expect great benefits from the game .And now they have stopped advertising the game)) I am not a fan of the game, and I’m not waiting for it, so I follow the fun) while I refrain from comments on the game when it comes out to see what comes out of this . Direct intrigue ! ))

Well, at least honestly about 30 fps and some others "peculiarities" The games said

And fix all the bugs.

What for? This is better than many years of advertising Cyberpunk 2077, from which it has already been naughty.

So I also think, let them do better the game, and if it shoots and so he will be heard

Knowing the conversation of a qualitative game will become only a few years later, and then purely thanks to the moders

Gazebo and high -quality release games are from the category of science fiction. The gazebo is to release the game, but models will be finished the game. Only after the release of a pack of mods and fan patches can you play normally. High -quality game of the gazebo = installation of a high -quality pack of mods from fans. And the gazebo itself always hacks and releases its games incomplete. All hope for modders, as for Starfield.

If only there were no bugs, and the optimization of good was present

And I am perplexed from such analysts. Here the BG3 will come out and the Starfield advertisement will begin.

Well, this is not a very winning strategy. BG3 will come out and will rattle after the release for a long time – reviews, roar, laudatory reviews, if everything is fine, or the news that everything is bad – with any outcome of the BG3 will be in the top of the news after the release. Given the scale of the game – he will not release attention from himself for a long time, given the fact that there is still a release on PS5 ahead and solving problems with the box.

You need to show the height of the flight over lovers to throw a cube

BG3 has been in early access for 3 years)

Everyone will play in isometry

Hey the guy. PSS just download)

For a year, it was already fixed in the media space, few of the players have not heard about the release of the next long -term arbor))

As the practice of inflated advertising and false promises on Cyberpunk 2077 showed – there was more discontent at the exit than WoW! exclamations. The game was saved by fashion while raids sawed patches. Starfield does not essentially need advertising – everything that is needed has already been shown in the development process. The same story with BG3 – the game for itself advertising, due to long early access and contact with the community.

But the game paid off several times

Now everyone is talking about BG 3, the point is now investing in advertising? And yes, someone doubts that even without advertising Starfield will be sold in million circulations and there will be no surge of new geumphos subscriptions?

In this case, we are dealing with analysts.

Considering that the shirts themselves do not believe in the good sales of Starfield reasons for the lack of advertising 2, or the game G+UNO and they understand that it is not the most successful option, because after the release they will be sprinkled, or there will be a transfer, and the game, and the game, and the game, and the game, and the game, and the game, and the game It’s not ready for the corny

Does not need advertising.

Because the transfer will be. : D

Principle for all times: good goods in advertising do not need.

People jump from info to info, from one site to another..

What for? All those interested in the Cosmosima genre so in the courses. The fans of the gazebo is also in the courses. Lovers Skyrim Skyrim have already bought. So the point of feeding advertisers?

Phaha, the objective reason is that she has already paid off on pre orderly

Given the price and availability in the gamest, I am not particularly sure of this)

Todd Howard has not yet destroyed Carthage. It’s time to launch a marketing company of the game for a long time!

On the scree of the schedule of the masses of the effect

Is it bad? The main thing is that optimization is the time of the masses of the effect. And the picture looks good.

Only masses are a corridor jumper) And this tower can most likely fly up and have lunch there)

I don’t need advertising, Game Pass paid.

The first sentence in the news answers the question about advertising)

Um, and 200 videos are not an advertisement already? Yes, and Fallout 4 was generally announced a few months before the release.

"Don’t Spend a Lot of Money On Advertising.The Best Way to Tell ABOUT THE PrODUCT Is to Make Itlly High Quality and Popular. It is Worth Spending Most of the Money on this – The Product Will Sell Itself." (c) Elon Musk

Yes, everyone understands that it will be Skyrim 2.0, only ships will add a bunch of empty planets for the jerking farm resov.

And what to advertise, to spoil the whole game, it will be released and played, they have already been emphasized for presentations, it is a pity for some reason some such as two Belorocoru LSBSHBIKs distort the actual Starfield saying that there will be no open open spaces of the entire planet and can only run around the carabroe where It was landed, well, at the presentation they said that the whole Polanet or the Moon was available, and they will return to the ship on their own or they will get wet in the fast, many did not understand the point that they would have all sorts of taste so that they did not have to run far, and they would run far, and It’s not that it will be possible to run the current of the warship of the frame, but there are no hamsters distorted the info and trumpet the game in their news, the game, they are currently at the output that they carried all the game, showed them the game completely read,And they seemed to be blindly thought of everyone and mislead the players. Maybe even at the Gamskomic 2023 at the end of August to show for reminding and a mustache on September 1, the release is already a game as a game, there are no analogues of such a combination in the game, there are current all sorts of non -symbols without plots and study and norms of the battles, all sorts of non -noumena are just a thoughtful game , Strazitizen generally simulator of pumping money MMO, unfinished without any essence and gameplay of the plot and so on, immediately combined a lot as compactly and comfortable as in the phalaut of the current in space, this is not a cosmos simulator, and not cosmos, this is a plot RPG 4 current with elements of space study, briefly phalaut in space, the current of the aliens is not yet in the game, we can push the mogers, we can be connected as a plot, or they left them for future parts in the future, while the current is like this, the game eats, shooting part, dialogs plot, different places,the possibility of a revelry for lovers to run through the open spaces of the planets (not knowing, in the know -Sky know there is no shooting part, there is no such study of the planets and the Open, there are cartridgeal palette palette palette palettes and it makes no sense at all, and even feces played and even feces. Nou Men Sky, the fact that they promised not to be realized in the know -Sky, a completely different game came out, as they promised one another stub of some kind of stub of some kind on the knee made), in general, the game will go out, we’ll be especially gifted and will spend life in an empty

I expect The Outer Worlds, but more free, possibly more serious and designed, then it will be Goti)

The most cool thing is that in the comments they immediately formed "Specialists" in the field of marketing and analytics, as well as specialists to assess the competencies of specialists in the field of analytics and PR/

Games from the gazebo in advertising do not need. And no Baldursheytes will beg them – BG3 is an interesting plot RPG, but if you do not get to go, then there will be enough pairs of three passages to get all the necessary impressions, and then everything, especially a step -by -step fight for many is a significant minus. And the games of the gazebo with open worlds and a bunch of mods can be played for years.

Here, step by step feces

Plus. No divinity jumped through Skyrim in her greatness, bg3 to Starfield like on foot to the moon.

It is this step -by -step and stimulates not to play such games as a canopy 3, the yab played if it is not that step -by -step, but so I don’t see the point of downloading from a torrent, they made a normal RPG, even if the fighting is in diablo 4 without this step -by

At least 3 faces with the possibility of tactics as in Dragon Age.

Well, when I saw Diablo 4 tons, there is no longer bad prospect there, and in Baldurs Gate 3, they would have made the battles the same if they want, then the prospect is not a hindrance, there the plot of katsets, etc. Swap torrent Baldurs Gate 3 tomorrow as they lay out and cut a trainer that will be washed down a few hours after the release and we can with the trainer can scatter all these step -by -step battles, looking at the same way, I generally understood that the mouse would have to poke around the mouse where he was moving like in a strategy, and This is how it infuriates, I won’t hide strategies, I would like usat bers as normal RPGs from a third person on my own and the battleship came up and so as in normal RPG games, I understand that this is a narrow RPG genre and not RPG as Bolshenevtra Igor Popular,But they will also play it, it will not be appropriately and the game is stupid to give the game as stupid since this is a bunch against the backdrop of a heap of steep gorians, a baldage 3 for especially gifted people, not for an ordinary layman and a gamer, the old ISS Payne or Konstantin is much more hunger than this step -by -step feces Housing schedules are not bad, but the gamers were not the main thing, then the OCCACA is not the main thing, then the canopy 3 in the wings on the Internet to it, the current with a bunch of special players of such step -by -step feces

They know that it is useless because they are now looking at Baldurs Gate 3

Most likely it will be "Nou Men Sky " It is precisely the quality of the output. Check

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Forbes: “Starfield is the first Xbox exclusive for a long time to touch the PlayStation fans”

It seems that many Xbox owners believe that Microsoft is long for thinking about how to approach high -quality games and their marketing. This does not mean that the quality of past games was better or worse, but it is obvious that for many years there has been a gap between the fact that users perceive games compared to PlayStation.

And now, with the advent of Starfield, one of those games that can influence the industry appeared on the horizon. The scope of what Bethesda created in this game, just giant. And the point is not only how well it is made, but also in the number of options, dialogs and design. It is felt that this is the game that will determine the generation. It seems that Forbes employees also quickly realized what this game is capable of. It may turn out that this will be one of those games that are very painful to lose in the war of exclusives.

According to Forbes employees, who, like the IGN, have already seen the game with their own eyes and, perhaps, even tested it, this game will become a turning point, given that it is easy to extrapolate the success of Fallout or The Elder Scrolls for a new project.

Of course, there is no guarantee that Starfield will be of high quality or that the launch will go smoothly. But the likelihood that it will be of high quality is great, given the influence that the last few parts of Fallout and Elder Scrolls had on the industry, and this is not some kind of wild multiplayer MMO experiment as Fallout 76. It seems that this is the biggest and ambitious game Bethesda, with a rather large margin.

It seems that PlayStation gamers did not often find themselves in such a situation. More precisely, for many years. When they miss a really large -scale game that is not available on their most popular console.

It’s the same as imagining Skyrim, which for 12 years has been sold by a circulation of 60 million copies that have not reached the PlayStation. Fallout 4 was sold by a circulation of 12 million copies in 24 hours in 2015. Starfield will not show this level of sales, because it will be offered on the first day at Xbox Game Pass, although it has already headed Steam charts thanks to preliminary orders.

The authors of CITIES: SkyLines 2 recognized performance problems, but they will not postpone the release

The developer and publisher of CITIES: SkyLines 2 admitted that the performance of the game leaves much to be desired, but insist that they will release the long -awaited urban planning project on a PC, as planned, October 24.

The developer of Colossal Order and Paradox publisher published a joint statement for fans remaining concerned after Cits: Skylines 2 increased the minimum and recommended characteristics.

CITIES: SkyLines 2 is a game of a new generation, and, of course, it requires certain hardware requirements. Despite this, our team tirelessly worked on creating the best conditions for the game, we did not reach the indicators that we counted on.

Although it is very unusual when the developer warns about the performance of the upcoming game, Colossal Order said she made such a decision because "We always believed in transparency".

Despite the possible problems with performance, Colossal Order said that it would release CITIES: SkyLines 2 next week, which corresponds to the current release date.

We still believe that for the long -term perspective of the project, release is now the best way out. We are proud of the unique gameplay and capabilities of Cits: SkyLines 2, and we sincerely believe that it offers excellent experience that you will like.

Colossal Order said she would "Constantly improve" game in the coming months, "But we also want to justify the expectations of performance to the upcoming release".

We strive to ensure that CITIES: SkyLines 2 should like as many players as possible, and we strive to fully reveal its potential.

In an additional note for the press, Colossal Order explained its position.

Colossal Order and Paradox are 100% aware that Cits: SkyLines 2 requires high-performance High-end, and they want players to also know about this. They are going to continue working on performance as reviews from players from around the world arrive, but the game is not delayed, and therefore players should remember the recommended characteristics.

Paradox and Colossal Order FAQ admitted that some PC Gamers will experience performance problems. "It all depends on the configuration of your PC", – Representatives of the company said. "Someone will have problems, someone does not have. It also depends on how high the graphic settings are compared to the hardware".

Last month, Paradox and Colossal Order postponed the output of the CITIES: SkyLines 2 from the launch planned for October for the spring of 2024 and returned the money to those who placed a preliminary order.

Meanwhile, Paradox said that modding will be available in Cits: SkyLines 2 shortly after entering the PC. When the game goes to the consoles, console players will also be able to use assets mods, which means that CITies: SkyLines 2 will become one of the rare video games that allow the use of cross -platform mods.

However, Cits: SkyLines 2 will not support other platforms such as Steam Workshop. "We decided that our platform would be Paradox Mods, as it allows us to have cross -platform compatibility with mods", – It is said in FAQ. "We also wanted fashion to be more easily accessible in the game, which we did with Paradox Mods".