The creator of Fallout spoke about a book that he would like to turn into a game

Fans of the action series-RPG Fallout often associate the Bethesda franchise, which has developed and published some of the most popular games, including Fallout 3, Fallout 4 and multi-user online game Fallout 76. But the person responsible for creating the original Fallout back in the 1990s still creates games – even if some of his loved ones still remain in his imagination.

Fallout originated in InterPlay, which developed and released the original game in 1997. One of the main architects of the original concept was Timothy Kane, who acted as the creator, producer, leading programmer and one of the main designers of the game. Kane is still working on games – he was a programmer at South Park: The Stick of Truth several years ago and was even a relative of the 2019 Outer Worlds, and recently launched his own YouTube channel to be to "tell stories about the development of games, including stories about design, programming, creating a team, working in developers and pitching companies to publishers".

Kane released a new video in which he discusses his favorite book in the fantasy/science fiction genre: "Prince of Light" (Lord of Light) Roger Zhelyaz. The action of the novel takes place on a planet colonized by the remnants of the Earth, where some people seem to have magical abilities, but in fact they use science to strengthen their mind and body. Being a game designer, Kane claims that he had a notebook filled with ideas about how to adapt the novel to the game. Kane explains: "I conceived it as a game from two parts", The first of which – "Very standard fantasy game", where you create a character and increase his level with experience. However, according to Kane, the game "will make you choose a specialization at some point" Upon receipt of skills, and when the player reaches the maximum level, someone from the heavenly city (idea from the novel) will turn to him, which, in fact, will make the player "the god of any specialization he chosen" by using "biological feedback, drugs and brain operations".

According to Kane, "At this moment, the game becomes completely different. She becomes a science fiction game where you raise your specialization to an incredible, powerful level". Kane added that in the second half of the game a player can even become an immortal. This idea sounds even more ambitious than Fallout, while Kane’s approach offers many interesting gameplayes and a unique strategy to keep the players after reaching the maximum level.

Kane himself seems to be a supporter of unique game ideas, even crushing about the dependence of the industry on sequels, remakes and remasters. "There is something incredibly exciting in creating something original", – Says Kane. And although he takes as a basis already created works, his idea sounds like something that we have not yet seen in an interactive narrative.